Many people who have had COVID-19 have demonstrated several ongoing symptoms such as fatigue, chest pain, dry and productive cough, shortness of breath and respiratory insufficiency.
Physiotherapy rehabilitation following COVID-19 has been shown to:
Reduce feelings of shortness of breath
Improve airway clearance
Improve lung capacity
Increase the muscle strength affected by this disease
Exercise is very important for recovery post COVID-19, however it must be done in a safe and gradual manner.
Rehab Program
Our experienced physiotherapists can provide an appropriate rehabilitation program to help you return to a more normal lifestyle, this includes:
Techniques to help with airway clearance
Strengthening exercises
Appropriate cardiovascular exercises for your stage of recovery
Your movements during physiotherapy sessions as well as oxygen levels will be monitored diligently,
to ensure exercises are done effectively and safely.
When can I start a COVID-19 Rehab Program?
If you need any further information about COVID-19 rehabilitation and how we can help you, please don't hesitate to get in touch with
us via phone or email.
A minimium of 2 weeks post diagnosis of COVID-19
A negative result in your most recent RAT