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Home Health Rehab Physiotherapy & Occupational Therapy
Home Health Rehab

Deconditioning Rehab


Have you or a loved one had a hospital admission which involved a period of bed rest/inactivity that left you feeling weak? You may have noticed a reduction in muscle mass in your legs, experienced functional decline or had a reduced ability to perform normal daily tasks?


This is known as deconditioning.


Inactivity and prolonged bed rest is an unnatural state of the human body and has a significant effect on the musculoskeletal system. 



Did you know...

What this means for you


With this loss in muscle size and strength, it can be a steep and rapid decent from having wobbly legs, to not being able to perform tasks. The more weakness that occurs, the more dependence you will have on others. This can mean prior to hospital being able to walk around your home and after a bout of illness you no longer have the strength to walk and have a very high risk of falling.


of elderly patients become deconditioned after 2 days of hospitalization


of patients fail to improve prior to discharge


loss of strength is experienced weekly from disuse


decrease in muscle strength occurs with 3-5 weeks total immobility


loss in thigh muscles can occur within 7 days of disuse

What We Can Do

Our team of experienced physiotherapists can assess your mobility, strength and balance within the comfort of your own home.

We are able to provide you with education and an individualized exercise program to regain muscle strength, balance and ability to perform normal daily tasks. 

Our aim is to keep you living independently for as long as possible.


We Can Help

If you or your loved ones require physiotherapy or exercise physiology services to help with restoring function, please contact us...

Our Service Area

Home Health Rehab provide high quality physiotherapy and occupational therapy services to people in their own home and retirement villages across the City of Greater Geelong, Surf Coast Shire, Bellarine Peninsula and Golden Plains Shires.

Get in Touch

1300 432 219

PO Box 6388 Highton Victoria 3216

(03) 8732 0273

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